Monday, September 29, 2008

Greek Lesson...

So, it's 10:33 Monday night.

I have a Greek quiz tomorrow afternoon. Looked at my book, made my note cards... chatted with Matt on Facebook IM a little bit. I am addicted to Facebook. And Diet Coke...still... I'm weak!

Before I get into this WAY COOL Greek story...

Y'all... please take a minute and pray for my brother's family. Their van caught fire because of a transmission problem 2 weekends ago. Kids were not along. Not a huge car fire, it was fixed fairly quickly, actually. But still. There was FIRE! Cost them a load of money, not covered by insurance. Then, Matt's very old truck that he drives was hit in a wreck yesterday. Today, the van died. He's feeling the pressure. Pray for strength, patience and grace to abound... and for God to come through in a way only He can. Anyone have a minivan they want to give to an awesome pastor in NY? Let me know...

Ok, so this Greek deal.

Like once upon a time, I learned that the name "Katherine" means pure.

So, I wrote out my Greek vocab words tonight and was just flipping through them, reading them out loud to hear what they sound like and how about this... (oh, i wish i could type in Greek on here!)
Here's the english version of the Greek letters: katharidzo
It means: I purify.

Well, I just thought it was great... so great, I had no one to share it with at 10:30pm Central time, so... I thought I'd plop it on here.

Our pastor's daughter growing up was Alaithia. Came across that in Greek the other day. It means Truth.

Klepto means I steal [who knew? I thought it was a weird slang word]
Grapho means I write
Apostolos means apostle
Mathetes means disciple
Euangellion means Gospel or Good News... looks like Evangeli--
Prophetes means prophet
Adelphos means brother (for my southeastern PA family near Philadelphia...haven't officially learned phileo as a word for love, yet... but we know it)
Anthropos means man/person
Therapeuo means I heal.
Kardia means heart
Mikros means small

You get the idea... lots of similar words.

Less reading this week... only 1 quiz...1 paper (my Scientology visitation report--which, incidentally gave me a freaky weird dream last night)...

I should go.

For anyone who is still reading, you may be interested to know I lost a toenail tonight and freaked out like nobody's business. It was gross. It didn't hurt because there's a soft little dwarfy toenail grown up underneath but is was still yuck-o. Like that nasty fungus commercial where the little fungus germy guy lifts up the toenail and you have to look away so you don't hurl. Only I couldn't look away. What was the alternative? Go to class tomorrow with a toenail flapping in the wind? I think not. NASTY. Matt told me I should post pictures. No I will not. Do not even ask. Dis-gus-ting. I had smashed it a couple months ago. I thought it might fall off and then it started to get lighter, so I thought it would be fine. Um, no... not fine... pretty sure it's gone.

So... now it's 11pm. Back to Greek then to sleep.

Don't forget...pray for my brother & sister-in-law... Matt & Amanda... that God would supply all their needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19

Sorry if that toe nail stuff grossed you out. How could I keep silent?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Quick Retreat Update...

Just got back from the retreat. I'm so glad I went. I'm sure you were expecting that, but it's so true. It was a lot of fun getting to know some other DTS students and enjoy the teachings, admonitions and encouragements from Mrs. Hendricks. It was a huge blessing, well worth the sacrifice of time. Dr. Hendricks came, too. We saw him during meal times, other than that, I guess he was just hanging out. They are the cutest couple.

God gave me what He took me there for... maybe just between Him and me... but I needed it, He knew it, He arranged it, I loved it.

Friday, September 26, 2008

I survived Scientology...

In case you are wondering and/or freaking out...
I already went to the Church of Scientology and I'm back...and I'm not a newly converted Scientologist, sadly neither are they now Christians. it was WEIRD... have to process through the whole thing before I blog about it. Tom & Katie--are you kidding me? Jesus being raised from the dead is way easier to believe than this auditing, better you business.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Quick update...

Whew!  It's already been a busy week...

Wanted to share with you how marvelous and intimately concerned about His children our amazing God is...

I'm in seminary.  
I now work only a part-time job.
I make just about enough each month to cover bills.  
That's about it.  Me and my penchant for Friday afternoon movies in a theater of 15 people:  no more, haven't been to a Chili's in several months... and shopping? well... not so much.
But that's ok.
I'm not complaining.  
This season in learning is a gift... I am reminded of it almost every single day.  
I am privileged to learn in such an incredible place. 

So, there was this women's student retreat deal this weekend...  Howard Hendricks (he's apparently a legend, but he's my Bible Study Methods prof... he's contagiously in love with God through His word)... 
Howard Hendrick's wife is scheduled to be the main speaker at this retreat.  Basically, it's an overnight at a campground like 45 minutes away, in Waxahachie, TX... how fun is that word?!  
It wasn't that expensive to go... but, expensive enough that I didn't think it was the wisest use of my budget, and didn't know how busy I'd be, so I didn't sign up for it.  I wasn't overly disappointed, just thought...oh, maybe next time.  

Yesterday, God decided I needed to go. 

I had an afternoon meeting with the Adviser to Women Students.  Everyone has an entrance interview, we get to know her, she gets to know us... since there are so few of us (again, NOT complaining of any ratios at all!), it's like a point of contact for where to go when your world caves in :o) Or whatever... 

Had a great little meeting with her and before I left, she asked if I was planning to go to the retreat.  Told her no and why and she said she would make sure I got in if I changed my mind.  
Well, I don't know anyone going, so I thought probably not... 

But God... (one of the greatest phrases all over Scripture)

I went to my mailbox and saw a check in there.  Someone from my church in VA had contributed to my July September... and the church sent the contribution to me.  
I don't know who it was from, they probably do, but I don't need to know... it was for just about the amount of the retreat.  I can swing the remaining $15... if I decided to go...

Then, last night at my Spiritual Formation group (a small group everyone in my program participates in for 4 semesters, all girls/all guys) our discussion was really good all around, but we ended up talking about stuff that finally helped me figure out this very weird spiritual place I've been (which for those of you who aren't familiar with all this Jesus talk basically just means that the Lord I have for so long connected with, spoken to in prayer and heard from in Spirit hasn't felt so close--no twilight zone stuff, just what having a relationship with Jesus is)...  so, been in this weird place, feeling like I got to seminary and everything I ever learned or knew about God fell out of my head and I couldn't know anything until I learned it here.  Can hardly put it into sensible words, but, the point is...
The thought is stupid.  
Stupid, but true and I thought I was the only one... until someone else confessed her frustration before I did, making me nearly leap for joy.  I'm not the only one... as we talked about it to try to figure it out... it became more clear what was happening... so engrossed in the study of the Word of God, I've slacked off on my relationship/prayer life a little more than I should have. There is no replacement.  There must be a balance.

Then, today... I was sitting in my apartment trying to read these few chapters for Theology which are boring to me because I am not a deep thinker... and my mind wandered...  to the happenings of yesterday, particularly trying to put a finger on the words to describe what my crazy deal is... and then 3 little words popped into my head that described it:

I miss Jesus. 

I'm learning about Him, but not spending enough time learning with Him, talking to Him, shutting out the craziness of life and really spending time in prayer...  letting Him help me figure out what all I'm learning means for me, today and for the life He's called me to.  

So, I figured it out in a sweet little moment... and immediately knew that this weekend, the unexpected blessing to be able to go, the pointed question inviting me to go, the discussion last night... seem to all be pointing in the same direction... so, don't try to find me Friday night from 5pm until Saturday at noon... I'll be in Waxahachie... 

And if you were the giver... THANK YOU for allowing God to use you...thank you for acting on the little Voice that nudged you to be a blessing.   

On another quick note... 
If you're reading this between 2:00-3:15pm or 9:30-10:30pm (Eastern time) tomorrow... I will be taking a Greek test and then a Theology test... PRAY!  

And, on Friday at noon your time, I'll be visiting the Church of Scientology... it's for my Theology class.  We are required to visit a religion that exists but doesn't believe in the Christian God and ask them about what they believe, why they believe and all that.  I called and made an appointment today.  The lady was super if I was calling any old church... I'll bet she thinks she'll convert me.  Oh, don't worry.  I won't be alone.  Jesus is going to be there, too.  And if I'm lucky, Tom & Katie :o)  

So, I'll tell you all about the retreat and the Scientology visit later this weekend when I find some time to blog about it.  

Love & miss you all... grateful you don't mind getting massive updates via the blog rather than individual emails... I'd never have time for it all.  Love your personal emails, cards and calls, though... my little taste of home...  

For anyone who's counting... Christmas, by the way is 3 months from tomorrow.  

Friday, September 19, 2008

I haven't blogged for a while...

Haven't blogged in a while because... well... i haven't blogged in a while... sorry...

Let's see if I can give you 10 things I should have blogged about but didn't.

1. I saw The Bucket List last weekend. Which was the first movie I've seen rented or in a theater in a VERY long time. I don't even have time to turn on the regular TV let alone pay to waste 2 hours to watch a movie. Those 2 hours are precious. Seriously. Good movie, good times.

2. My niece Avery turned 4 years old! Not 3, not 5, she's 4... 4 years old... (some of you will remember that, Matt?) My oh my how fast 4 years have gone.

3. There's a gorgeous lake in Dallas that I got to walk around the other afternoon. BEAUTIFUL. And it was a beautiful day, too...surprisingly.

4. I likey Ikey. Many of you have asked. Dallas was spared the hurricane last weekend. We had a grey, overcast day with only a very short time of rain. Everyone was prepared for worse, but it never made it this far. Ike did, on the other hand, bring a week's worth of amazing beautiful temperatures. Like, chilly in the morning on the way to class. Bliss! I'm telling you... low humidity, light breeze all day. Yeah, I could get used to this Texas weather. Not trying to negate the destruction that took place in Houston and Galveston... I just don't know much about it. Please don't think I'm insensitive.

5. The homework is picking up... lots. In fact, this is a crazy busy weekend. I have to read almost 500 pages, write a 4 page paper, diagram/outline the book of Habakkuk (my professor joked, if we can find it!), and study for a Greek quiz on Tuesday, Greek Test on Thursday and HUGE Theology test on Thursday. Whew!
But all of it has been great... learning good stuff. Last week, in different classes, I studied Acts 17: 16-34 (good stuff!), we picked apart Nehemiah 1: 1-11 and then Mark 11:27-12:44... and I'm just telling you the Bible is AMAZING stuff. Maybe one of these days I'll share with you some of the things I'm learning in my Bible Study Methods class. Those of us who own a copy of the Bible have the privilege to hold in our hands the powerful, inspired, inerrant word of the God of the universe. Do you understand the weight of that? The One who spoke worlds into existence, who tells the sun when to rise and set, who knows they very number of hairs on your head provided a way for you to know Him through the gift of His word. He's not merely "God" who's way up there, unconcerned about the workings of your life... no, He created your life... He's not far from each one of us, as Acts 17:27 tells us. I'm just saying...God desires a personal relationship with you through His Son, Jesus... and if you don't know what that is, you're missing out on a love deeper than you've ever known and a whole bunch of other cool stuff. If you want to know more, I'd love to share with you who Jesus is to me... just ask!

6. I walked with my Greek professor last Sunday night, but I don't think he knows it. :o) Read on...The gym that DTS students have a membership to as part of our student fees has a beautiful 1/2 mile walking/jogging trail that is enclosed with a big iron fence (that's for you, mom) secure from the city, but has all kinds of landscape, trees that provide shade over the path, lights at night little ponds with huge fountains, gazebos, oh, it's just great. I like to walk there. Last week, I was walking, listening to my iPod and a yellow flash that looked fairly familiar zoomed past and nearly scared me to death because I couldn't hear him coming up on me. I was just listening to my Jesus music. As he passed, I thought... hhhmmm, that kind of looks like Dr. Jay. Sure enough, he lapped me in a few minutes and whoooosh, did it again. Now, you all know me. He appears in my peripheral vision and what do i do? No, i didn't scream... but I flinched or like jumped. Remember, I hear nothing but my Jesus music, he's not wearning an iPod. Keep that in mind. So, this happened maybe 4 times. As the walk is going on, I half forget he's there, but I do wonder if he'll make the connection. Slowly all of the other walkers and joggers leave the trail and it's getting dark. They have lights along the path, and it's well lit but still is different at night. So, I'm beginning to think, hhhmmm... this is darker than I thought, maybe I should go in. Then, Wooosh.... he passes me again. No, i'm safe... Dr. Jay's still out here. There's a fence. I'm just a country girl freaking out in the big city. So, on I go. And throughout the next lap, I'm looking for Mr. Yellow and I don't see him anywhere. I decide I've been hauling it out there for 45+ minutes, it's time to go study. So, i'm on my last lap, thinking I'm the ONLY person on the track and one of my favorite songs starts playing. Naturally, what any tone deaf worshipper with an empty trail and a great song would do, I start to sing along... and just as my song gets to this wonderful part that goes, "I will not be moved, I'll say of the Lord, You are my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer, my shelter my tower my very present help in time of need..." I have to sing it. Just have to. God's been all those things to me lately so I was just praising Him for it. Well, I started, "I will not be moved..." kid you not... at that precise moment, WHOOSH, comes the yellow flash, i not only flinch i gasp, then instantly I'm embarassed and realize what I've done so I start laughing... and the yellow flash who by this point I am CERTAIN is my Greek professor strolls on by... remember, with no iPod of his own. Got to class on Tuesday and Thursday... he never mentioned it. And he's the kind of goof ball that so would. No, I certainly did not mention it...

7. Oh!!! I know what else: I FINALLY ran into my dear friend Laura Beth in the hallway yesterday. It was a hug like coming home. I can't even tell you. Our schedules have been insane and we've been busy doing our separate things and haven't seen much of each other in months... it was so good to run into her. Love that girl. It happened after Greek class. Gosh. what a great class.

8. My mom and dad celebrated 31 years of marriage yesterday. In Las Vegas. They got to go see the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, and Vegas stuff. Pretty exciting! And no, they didn't stop by Dallas! What nerve!

9. Confession: studying is easier with Double Stuf Oreos. I don't know what the phenomenon is, but oh my goodness... I learn so much more and retain so much more information if I have a few Double Stuf (that's important) Oreos around. Thank you Jesus, for Nabisco.

10. And, this is a big deal. I'm giving up Diet Coke. For real. It's gotta be rotting my kidneys. There's a warning on the cans that says: contains Phenylalanine or some other ungodly chemical that probably means: cancer causing, kidney rotting juice that gets you addicted to our product. Anyway. People need coffee... I prefer Diet Coke... but, I'm weaning off of it. No time for a caffeine withdrawal migraine (been there, done that before) so 1 box remains... and then no more... Save the Kidneys! I think I'll get T-shirts printed.

Surely no one is still reading... if you are, God bless you :o)

Just want you all to know that I miss you. If there was any way to be here and there at the same time, I would be. I don't have time to send individual emails and there are a few I've been meaning to get back to for the past couple of weeks, please, bear with me... Trying to put the big rocks in the jar before the pebbles and the sand (know that time management analogy?)
As my Greek professor admonishes us often:
Why did you move to Dallas?
We reply: to go to seminary.
He says: Then go to seminary! Don't waste this time in your life on other stuff. You have to learn to prioritize and say NO to other things. You're here for seminary. Go to seminary.

He has a point.

If there were only more hours in a day...

"I thank my God upon every rememberance of you..." Philippians 1:3

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Preach the Word

I'd never know it's poured rain all day in the east... today was a gorgeous day... again.  It's almost sickening how nice the weather is in Texas.  Instead of the little slogan "Everything's bigger in Texas"  they should have another one that says "Everything's brighter in Texas."  And if we're going to go there... "Everything's hotter in Texas!" 

Actually, I think I've acclimated... I was walking around in jeans and a cardigan sweater the other day from work (where it's like the inside of a freezer) to my car and thought, oh, it's such a nice day today... got in the car, turned on the radio and heard it was 101 degrees!  Yep, I'm a Texan.  

A Texan with an expired VA inspection sticker, a valid TX inspection sticker and Virginia license plates.  Papers to get the TX registration in my car (that, hallelujah and amen I finally got back this morning!) but besides the fact that I crashed it and was waiting for the repairs...I just haven't brought myself to go get the plates and the license.   I'm just going to have to get someone (tall, dark and handsome, I hope) to do the dirty work of taking off my VA plates.  Not because I can't.  "I'm independent by circumstance, not by choice," remember my motto?  But it will break my heart, I think... 

I've had my VA tags for 6 years... 4MZNGRC...(Amazing Grace) or as my brother who thinks he's so funny likes to call it "For-mazing Gerk"  Yeah, the day he said that (in 2002) made it lose it's appeal a little... Although, most people "get it."  And if they do, I know they're cool.  Why did I pick for it to start with a "4" instead of an "A"... because the "A" was taken, of course.  And a "4" looks like an "A" that's just missing a leg.  

Let's talk about Greek... 
So, I know the alphabet.  Would totally write it out on here if this thing had the font to let me, but it doesn't... so you'll just have to take my word for it.  I have a theory:  Greek is like Mount Everest and I am going to reach the top if it kills me!  You do recall (because I've told you at least twice already) that I am the only girl in my class...and not that I have something to prove... but I'm just not going to let the boys beat me!  Hello!   

So, that's my little update on life...not a whole lot going on down here outside of school and work... 

ok, let me end with this passage of Scripture that one of the professors preached in chapel last week... the slogan/motto (don't know if that's the right word) for DTS is "Preach the Word."  It's on T-shirts, the website, this big thing on campus.  It comes from a passage in 2nd Timothy chapter 4.  We heard it in chapel and then it was part of our lecture in Theology later in the week to explain why it's so important to know and teach the Doctrinal, Scriptural Truths the Bible teaches.  

2 Timothy 4:2-5
..."preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn aside to myths.  But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."  

Where do you get your preaching from?  Someone who will tickle your ears or pierce your heart?  What we need to hear isn't always what we want to hear, but if we don't hear those things that make us stop and evaluate and compare the reality of our lives with the reality of the Word of God, how will we ever be more like Christ and grow closer to Him?  

Monday, September 1, 2008

Did you get your free Chick-fil-a today?

I did.

Chick-fil-a was giving away 3 of their new Chicken Strips to anyone who came in dressed in football team attire.

I know what you're thinking: No, I don't own a Donovan McNabb jersey like every other Eachus who was raised in PA, married into the family, or for pity's sake was born into the "Eachus undying love for the Eagles" tradition. I don't even have a Liberty t-shirt down here... sweatshirts, yes... but who is going to wear a sweatshirt in Dallas on Labor Day? So, I borrowed a hat from the bearer of the good news of the free chicken strips. It was purple and had a W on it. Washington (the state) something or other.

you know, they should have a "bring your cute bag" to Chick-fil-a day or "wear your favorite shoes" to Chick-fil-a... what is it with football anyway? :o)

And you know what... I don't think people know who the Eagles are down here... Maybe my lack of Eagles attire saved my life, actually... a Cowboys fan would have had no choice but to take me out.

It was a nice study break... and a free dinner... Yay for football, after all :o)

P.S. Stay Tuned... the Chick-fil-a man, Truett Cathy is going to be in our chapel next Tuesday... so I'm sure I'll have great things to tell you about that!