Monday, September 29, 2008

Greek Lesson...

So, it's 10:33 Monday night.

I have a Greek quiz tomorrow afternoon. Looked at my book, made my note cards... chatted with Matt on Facebook IM a little bit. I am addicted to Facebook. And Diet Coke...still... I'm weak!

Before I get into this WAY COOL Greek story...

Y'all... please take a minute and pray for my brother's family. Their van caught fire because of a transmission problem 2 weekends ago. Kids were not along. Not a huge car fire, it was fixed fairly quickly, actually. But still. There was FIRE! Cost them a load of money, not covered by insurance. Then, Matt's very old truck that he drives was hit in a wreck yesterday. Today, the van died. He's feeling the pressure. Pray for strength, patience and grace to abound... and for God to come through in a way only He can. Anyone have a minivan they want to give to an awesome pastor in NY? Let me know...

Ok, so this Greek deal.

Like once upon a time, I learned that the name "Katherine" means pure.

So, I wrote out my Greek vocab words tonight and was just flipping through them, reading them out loud to hear what they sound like and how about this... (oh, i wish i could type in Greek on here!)
Here's the english version of the Greek letters: katharidzo
It means: I purify.

Well, I just thought it was great... so great, I had no one to share it with at 10:30pm Central time, so... I thought I'd plop it on here.

Our pastor's daughter growing up was Alaithia. Came across that in Greek the other day. It means Truth.

Klepto means I steal [who knew? I thought it was a weird slang word]
Grapho means I write
Apostolos means apostle
Mathetes means disciple
Euangellion means Gospel or Good News... looks like Evangeli--
Prophetes means prophet
Adelphos means brother (for my southeastern PA family near Philadelphia...haven't officially learned phileo as a word for love, yet... but we know it)
Anthropos means man/person
Therapeuo means I heal.
Kardia means heart
Mikros means small

You get the idea... lots of similar words.

Less reading this week... only 1 quiz...1 paper (my Scientology visitation report--which, incidentally gave me a freaky weird dream last night)...

I should go.

For anyone who is still reading, you may be interested to know I lost a toenail tonight and freaked out like nobody's business. It was gross. It didn't hurt because there's a soft little dwarfy toenail grown up underneath but is was still yuck-o. Like that nasty fungus commercial where the little fungus germy guy lifts up the toenail and you have to look away so you don't hurl. Only I couldn't look away. What was the alternative? Go to class tomorrow with a toenail flapping in the wind? I think not. NASTY. Matt told me I should post pictures. No I will not. Do not even ask. Dis-gus-ting. I had smashed it a couple months ago. I thought it might fall off and then it started to get lighter, so I thought it would be fine. Um, no... not fine... pretty sure it's gone.

So... now it's 11pm. Back to Greek then to sleep.

Don't forget...pray for my brother & sister-in-law... Matt & Amanda... that God would supply all their needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19

Sorry if that toe nail stuff grossed you out. How could I keep silent?


adamandjeremy said...

shouldt you be studying instead of talking about your darn toe nail? i think since you made us all endure that story, you must now post some pictures of the grossness.

Jennifer Renee said...

I just "lol"ed (monk style)

I love you!

Kate's Mommy said...

I lost a toenail once too...a huge clog fell on it when i was working at rack room shoes...they are gross...Katherine...pure...Katelyn means the same thing. :) pretty awesome right? :) and last but not least, REPLY TO MY LAST EMAIL! :) I finished reading "the shack"...definitely a fave, probably one of the best books I've read...we should discuss it one day when you have time. ok, good luck this week! Love ya!