Actually, I think I've acclimated... I was walking around in jeans and a cardigan sweater the other day from work (where it's like the inside of a freezer) to my car and thought, oh, it's such a nice day today... got in the car, turned on the radio and heard it was 101 degrees! Yep, I'm a Texan.
A Texan with an expired VA inspection sticker, a valid TX inspection sticker and Virginia license plates. Papers to get the TX registration in my car (that, hallelujah and amen I finally got back this morning!) but besides the fact that I crashed it and was waiting for the repairs...I just haven't brought myself to go get the plates and the license. I'm just going to have to get someone (tall, dark and handsome, I hope) to do the dirty work of taking off my VA plates. Not because I can't. "I'm independent by circumstance, not by choice," remember my motto? But it will break my heart, I think...
I've had my VA tags for 6 years... 4MZNGRC...(Amazing Grace) or as my brother who thinks he's so funny likes to call it "For-mazing Gerk" Yeah, the day he said that (in 2002) made it lose it's appeal a little... Although, most people "get it." And if they do, I know they're cool. Why did I pick for it to start with a "4" instead of an "A"... because the "A" was taken, of course. And a "4" looks like an "A" that's just missing a leg.
Let's talk about Greek...
So, I know the alphabet. Would totally write it out on here if this thing had the font to let me, but it doesn't... so you'll just have to take my word for it. I have a theory: Greek is like Mount Everest and I am going to reach the top if it kills me! You do recall (because I've told you at least twice already) that I am the only girl in my class...and not that I have something to prove... but I'm just not going to let the boys beat me! Hello!
So, that's my little update on life...not a whole lot going on down here outside of school and work...
ok, let me end with this passage of Scripture that one of the professors preached in chapel last week... the slogan/motto (don't know if that's the right word) for DTS is "Preach the Word." It's on T-shirts, the website, this big thing on campus. It comes from a passage in 2nd Timothy chapter 4. We heard it in chapel and then it was part of our lecture in Theology later in the week to explain why it's so important to know and teach the Doctrinal, Scriptural Truths the Bible teaches.
2 Timothy 4:2-5
..."preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn aside to myths. But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."
Where do you get your preaching from? Someone who will tickle your ears or pierce your heart? What we need to hear isn't always what we want to hear, but if we don't hear those things that make us stop and evaluate and compare the reality of our lives with the reality of the Word of God, how will we ever be more like Christ and grow closer to Him?
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